Monthly Archives September 2016

Emails Guidlines to Prospects

Subject Line suggestions Anything about you in the subject line will move you to the trash! Use the name of the association they are involved with. “X Tips for [Pain Point]'” Government/regulatory entity they deal with. Idea for [topic/issue that they care about] Named event/date that they know about. A competitor or competing offer. “Hi [name], [question]?” “[person they respect] suggested I connect with you” Strategies for Your Email Content Strategy #1 – Your expertise is reflected New research is showing . . . The regulations affecting . . . 4 missing codes that are result in the greatest losses
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4 Industry Trends for Construction – Why Making Your Business more Charismatic is a Must

In a recent blog by Rachel Burger of Capterra, ( she talks about the 6 trends for the construction industry in the coming year.  Based on her research and input from sources as diverse as Zillow and the Wall Street Journal, you can see that 4 of the 6 are all about Business Charisma. Get ready to pay your workers more. Capterra points out that in the construction industry that pay is lagging behind.  Other research hints that pay is not as powerful as other factors.  In Daniel Pinks book titled Drive, he points out that what motivates us more
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Who cares if the Handwriting is Horrible? – Thank You card from absolutely no one

You know the envelope.  It has “that” shape.  This Thank You card, arrived in the mail, complete with mass produced envelope with snazzy logo, and warm colors of ink on the return address.  Upon opening the card, there on the inside were four signatures.  One replete with it’s own smiley face :-).  These were from people that I never even met.  Why?   The minor surgical “procedure” that was done while under anesthesia made it so if I met these ladies, I was probably drugged into total vacancy. Still the card arrived.  “What a nice gesture,” I thought. In my
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