“You know if you take off your glasses you will do better.” “What?” Mario, my good friend and I had picked up ping pong paddles in the clubhouse of the Hilton Head resort we were staying at. After missing several returns, he suggested that I take OFF my glasses, that they were hindering my perceptions. Off they came and whamo, I started to connect with every volley. Aren”t glasses supposed to help? But what if your learned basics are different than your altered world (with glasses)? The first element in creating Business Charisma is to reconsider your Mission. Oh sure,
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Archives for Synergy
The New Rules for Branding – Getting Edgy or Getting Lost in the Noise of YOUR Marketplace
The biggest enemy to your business these days is being average. With mass customization, free information, and a tight economy, you need to drive your branding image. What are the new rules for branding? 1 – It must have a plot or a storyline. Think Disney. Chipotle has it’s brown bags with stories on them. Harley is about terrorizing small towns (see previous blog post) 2. It must be unique to stand out. Unless you have a BHAC (Big Hairy Audacious Concept) you have beige, average, pedestrian. 3. It must fill a need or create a new mind set for
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Moving Past Success . . . .to Signficance – the 40/20/40 rule to Business Success
Like Christmas, weddings, vacations, birth of a child, pending retirement, and proms, each carries with it a potential for something big. For something significant. Half the fun is in this planning and looking forward. THIS ESPECIALLY APPLIES TO BUSINESS. Your business.
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David fights Goliath VIA the Detroit Automotive Show – a lesson in Contrarianism and Synergy
The Detroit International Automobile Show 2012. Among the hundred thousand square feet vendor booths, and the multimillion dollar backdrops complete with state of the art multimedia, and eye candy models . . . both male and beautifully coiffed women; sits the center of attention. It is all about the cars. There are cars. Each collection is often changed out each day for maximum exposure. Audi might have a new metallic paint the invites you to touch it’s too-strange-too-be-true finish. That is OK because some t-shirted youth, armed with polishing rags and dust wands wander incessantly to make sure nary a
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Culture – The #1 Job
If your culture has you focusing on the B and C players, then your culture is communicating that you sanction mediocrity. The environment in this organization approves "getting by". The core values scream that you can take your foot off the gas and coast a little here and there.
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Carbon . . . when average is for pencils but with Synergy it becomes diamonds – a sales pitch on the Synergy Selling System
Do you want high performance sales people? In it’s simple form carbon makes every pencil useful. But take the same carbon and add additional forces and then polish . . . and the average becomes extraordinary. Are you sales reps average? Would you like to develop some diamonds? Our Synergy Selling System© gets your sales people to: Increase Sales with skills that create customer experiences! Develop prospecting plans for explosive sales Move away from “price” and improve margins (teach your people how to differentiate your brand/value) Learn how to leverage time and resources to multiply sales Connect with customers as
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When Success is Not Enough – Why Reaching the Summit Only Makes You See So Much More
This is the world where success gives way to significance. It is why leadership takes precedence over managing, because an inspired Thermopylaeian army of hundreds can take on hundreds of thousands.
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When shear smarts is Engaging
Sage Lewis is a awesome. The Cleveland Consultants SIG (a group of training and development consultants in NorthEast Ohio) meet this week and the speaker was Sage. He is the only non-professional speaker that I had speak to the Ohio Chapter of the National Speakers Association the year I was president. So I knew he could connect with a group. He arrived early to set up a projector and computer. When that didn’t work, we used the large sheet of paper (the screen) instead to graphically record his comments. Energy, enthusiasm and pure subject mater expertise on marketing and the
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To REALLY get a Promotion you have to transfer into this department
They are the best of the best. Handsome and beautiful in a honest, aw-shucks way. They are the troops of the Guest Services department at Disney. These young men and women have the honor of being the host and hostess for visiting dignitaries, for treasured guests. Recently I approached Sarah and Nathanel at Disneyland. They stood in front of a huge sign that posted waiting times for the major attractions. When I asked what it takes to get into the core of Guest Services they responded, “you cannot hire into this group. You must interview and get promoted from other
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