When your customer ranks you “12” on a 1 to 10 scale. When you delight them beyond their expectations. Good profits are not mandated by some executive in a corner office. They are created by the personal interactions between one employee and one customer. There are many Starbucks coffee houses, and not all of them provide awesome customer experiences, but on the whole they try to create a customer experience that evokes a warm emotional and trust laden relationship. The coffee has to be good, but the interaction needs to be better.
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Archives for AT&T
The AT&T Death Star . . . Stands Down.
Every since I was a Vice President over several call centers with 500+ agents on the phone, I have been amazed at the antagonistic ways of AT&T. Over the years their shenanigans have been epic. Like the month that they charged me $1200 for dial up Internet service. Or there was the Herculean effort in demeaning service in a retail store one day. But alas . . . they have surprised me. My wife and I had stopped in an AT&T phone store to shop for cell phones for our daughter. The new Blackberry Bold had it’s release set
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