They Squeak when you bite them.

It was an awards dinner and the table talk turned to what is unique about Canada.  I was in Ottowa, where I was speaking to  the Chamber of Commerce Executives of Canada.  What a absolutely beautiful city.  Cosmopolitan, very European in fee.  Of course you put a bunch of Chamber of Commerce people together and the fun meter kicks up about 5 clicks. 

“We Canadians are a humble lot,” said one of my table mates.  “We apologize for everything . . . sorry about that.” 

Now that is funny. 

Then another volunteered that Poutine is unique to Canada. 


Poutine.  Pronounced “pooh teen”, except in some secluded sections of the country where they pronounce it somewhat like it is spelled.

Picture a plate of French Fries, topped with squeaky, fresh cheese curds (which is cheese before it is aged) and then that is topped with beef gravy.  Can you just hear your arteries hardening? 

This dish started in some small restaurants and spread.  Today even McDonalds and Burger King provide this dish to their customers across the whole of Canada.

The rest of the table pitched into the discussion about where the best plate of Poutine could be found with grins and laughter. 

But the big point is this. 

When Good and Great are not enough anymore . . .  you really have to be INCREDIBLE.  To stand out, to have such powerful word of mouth buzz that you customers will talk about your offering (Poutine) while dining on expensive dinners. 

So what are the FIVE elements of being Incredible? 

One is being Remarkable, where word of mouth buzz lives, where your contrarian and unique abilities make you stand out.  Maybe remarkable should be re-market-able .  This is where someone takes your marketing messages . . . your story . . .  and “re-markets” you. 

Makes you want to go out and find some Poutine right away . . .aye.   

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