Sales management is not enough anymore. The profitable businessperson needs to understand the discipline of producing a customer experience, just like a Steven Spielberg or a Disney. This is a battle of the Baskin & Robins ice cream cone versus the pageantry of a Cold Stone Creamery.
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Archives for ColdStone Creamery
Put a Bullet in it – Customer Service is Dead. But rising from the ashes. . .
Customer Service is the minimum ante to get into the game. It used to be what you strived for. Not anymore. Unless you are moving past customer service to Customer WOW and creating Customer Experiences you are behind. This is a world where the customer is enveloped in a stage play like production that involves the product, service or shopping event. Customer Service was getting the patron to their seat in the theater. . .but the customer experience started with the raising of the curtain. For example, Customer Service was what you got when you went to Kings Point or
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