Real World Bathroom Humor

COSI in ColumbusMy sixteen year old daughter had just come out of the restroom, her hands still wet from washing.  She smiled, walked over and put her damp hands on my forearm and looked up into my face and said with a giggle, “Excuse me mister, could you help me get my penny out of the toilet?”


It takes me back to a visit to the COSI Museum in Columbus, Ohio.  That is where I was engrossed (or is that gross’d?)  in the bathroom stall experience.

As I entered the mens room and found that appropriate seat, I looked up and there on the back of the bathroom stall door, in beautiful lettering was a detailed sign that defined and discussed the word “Flatulence”.   At first I thought my eyes were deceiving me.  Then the giggles came.  This was truly the definition of bathroom humor.  Anyone coming into the mens room at that moment would have thought a real weirdo was “in there” laughing for no reason.

Once I stopped laughing, I realized how brilliant that was.  Where else could you broach such a subject, than in a kids museum.  It turned an ordinary customer experience into a humorous and education moment.  Brilliant.  Creativity and focusing on the customer with magnified attention.  What ten year old wouldn’t find that a bit cool?

So, what would you do?  You would do exactly as I did.  You would go look at the back of the doors of the other stalls.  You too would want to know what other words were defined and elaborated on?

What did I find?  Hey, bathroom humor should only go so far.

What a gas.

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