A year ago we did a Mediterranean Cruise. Concerned about security in Rome, and a few other stops I bought a ScotteVest. This incredible travel vest is lined with pockets for every conceivable need with even a map of all the pockets (with 26 pockets you can forget that you even have some pockets).
I bought mine on Amazon so I could get it quickly. While on our vacation the zipper started to act up. When I got back I contacted the manufacturer and they said, “sorry, you didn’t buy it from us so the 2 year warranty does not mean squat.”
Now remember this thing is north of $100. I complained. No one cared or listened. Great product . . . horrible customer service.
A month ago the new president contacted me out of the blue and offered a fix and fixed my expectations. Who does this?
Apparently someone who wants “word of mouth buzz” to go through the roof. Now, I have my new ScotteVest, with zippers that work.
What a great story of quality, caring, insight, and good business.
Thank you ScotteVest!
P.S. – This really is an incredible product. I HIGHLY recommend it to you.
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