Kordell Norton - Graphic Facilitator
In 2004 Kordell discovered the world of Graphic Facilitation. His small company started a relationship with The Grove Consultants, the pioneers in the cutting edge facilitation method. As a facilitator he can quickly move your organization through your problems and issues and get your team to action plans and improved processes.
Combining training and the artistic skills of his family
Kordell uses large, wall size paper to capture the group wisdom of organizations
as he facilitates Strategic Planning session, executive retreats, training and
various workshops and seminars. In a world where people are PowerPoint'd
to death, his interactive and visual styles get all of the group to contribute.
His ability to bring groups to consensus, coupled with his sense of humor and deep understanding and experience in business, make for many repeat performances for his customers.
If you want your team engaged, contributing, making decisions and moving quickly to plans that have high execution in them . . . we SEE what you need.