A Leadership Workshop by Kordell Norton
ith a focus on Leadership development, this workshop gives the Leverage Points (skills, insights, and tools) used by great leaders use to get high performance.
In these highly interactive, humorous, and fast paced sessions, your team will discover leadership skills and insights that will allow them to inspire the organization, execute plans, and create teams that perform at high levels and who . . . get results!
- Develop Leadership Skills
- Learn how to move teams to high performance
- Understand and manage change for success
- Improve communications
Using group discussion, humor, templates, experiential activities, and large scale graphics the time will fly for your participants.
This is a rough agenda and can be customized for your group
Introductions & OARRs (Objectives, Agenda, Roles, Rules)
The Challenge to Change
The LLE Factors for Leadership (Laws, Leverage & Execution)
The Leader defined – Who chooses who?
Captain James T. Kirk meets Home Alone
Why Leaders?
The Five Laws of Leadership – The Birds and Bees of Leadership
1. Law of Attraction
2. Law of Stacking
3. Law of Agency
4. Law of Perspective
5. Law of Polarity
Making It Happen
Leverage Points – A lever long enough to lift the world
Understanding Priorities-Passions-Problems
· A case for iconoclasts (Driving the enemy crazy at war, the main office during peace)
· Doing things the same, a recipe for a dead organization
· The use of simple tools
“If I had listened to my customers I would have grown a bigger horse” – Henry Ford
- Priorities – Developing Visionary Leadership
- The Power of an Inspiring Vision
- Vision/Mission/Objectives
- The Vision boiler plate
- The spirit and intent of vision
- Memory Folders in a speed environment
- What does shampoo have to do with leadership?
- The Choice to be #1, #2 or the new #1
- Standing out in an overcrowded world.
- The Power of Focus
- Magnifying resources – “I can see clearly now. . .”
- Start & Stop thinking
- The Power of Contrarianism
- Strategy and 80% Marketing
- Chocolate/Vanilla/Strawberry or 1,000 Flavors
- Average for the average is out
- Passions – “What are the stakes and who holds them?”
- Synergy – using all the tools and letting the magic happen
- Acorns & oaks
- Redwood behavior
- Resource Engagement
- People, partners, technology and tools – a look at your tools
- Team Building
- Mature organizations and empowered teams
- High Performance Teams model
- Celebrating differences
- Viva le difference
- Tinkers to Evers to Chance
- The Customer
- Developing customer WOW in the experience economy
- DRASTIC thinking
- Problems – The Challenge of the Challenge
- Power Based Leadership
- Understanding and using organizational power
- Leadership of People
- Carrots and cook stoves
- Napoleon and “jeweled bobbles”
Management of People
- The lowest common denominator
- CTJM and Pickle Suckers – When to de-Hire
- Hiring secrets – history and farms, flutes and football
- Creativity and Innovation
- Brainstorming
- Problems è Brainstorming è Execute
Execute, Execute, Execute
- #1 in Leadership with a great #2
- The focus on results – 3rd Column Thinking
- Bop a Mole behavior
- High Execution Policy (HEP)
- Warren Buffet appreciates a good shave.
- Creating a Game Plan
Summary and evaluations.
About Kordell Norton – Author, Speaker, Consultant
Kordell is the President of Synergy Solutions LLC, a consulting and facilitation company that works with corporate, education, government and association organizations. As a professional member of the National Speakers Association he addresses thousands each year. Author of two books. He has held executive and management positions in several multibillion dollar organizations in sales, operations, marketing, human resources.
He lives in Twinsburg, Ohio and is the father of six.
He can be reached at (330) 405-1950 or Kordell@KordellNorton.com