Our customers love the highly graphic nature of our programs. I
wish I could post pictures of all of them. But they are A BLAST.
As acertified Graphic Facilitator, we use a lot of wall sized graphics and the interaction of the group to make a high energy, participative experience. Below we have put some sample shots of various meetings.
Also. . . .click here to see some graphics created to be used to communicate for one customer
A group of 12 colleges and universities (above) come together for a 2 day workshop, using the graphic facilitation process to create plans to increase enrollments and sales of training to business and industry customers.
The President and senior management of Lakeland
Community College used our services to create a history
map of the college (above and right) and to communicate
the strategic plan graphically to "the staff" in a kick off event.
A division of a large group (above) embarks on a team building/planning session with all 70 people in the division. This allowed allignment, buy in and consensus for the plan that was then developed by the division management over the coming months.
A school district (above) creates a "community report card" to augment the Ohio State report card over 2 days. This allows them to have the citizenry consider other factors when evaluating the schools . . .like extracuricular activities, busing, etc.
We even use graphics for Focus Groups. A Tech Prep Consortium (above and below) uses our services to conduct
focus groups with students/parents/teachers in various districts. The information gathered from the Focus Groups
are then used to create a 3 year strategic plan for the sponsoring group's steering council. That infomration was then used
for a presentation to the Board for future directions.
Chambers of Commerce Executive Groups are great customers. The following pictures were from a "Creating the Chamber of the Future"
workshop for the Chambers of Commerce Executives of Ohio (with Mark Pinto as Graphic Facilitator) and Kordell Norton Facilitating the discussion for 140 Chamber Exes.
The above is work of fellow graphic artist - Mark Pinto from a program we did together. Great guy and very talented. KN