Entertained, motivated, learned techniques – best yet.
What a fantastic job.
- Great ideas, wonderful presentation, kept your interest,
motivational, enjoyed his sense of humor, excellent presenter.
- Great inspirational speaker. You need to bottle that
charisma and sell it.
- Presenter is charismatic! Can’t say enough great!! I’m
impressed beyond description!
- Great Tips. Send the book!
- Great Suggestions! Fun!!
- So happy I chose this session after lunch. Kordell’s
great. Keeps everyone’s attention, very interesting. I did a speaking
engagement a few weeks ago. Wish I’d heard this session beforehand.
- Always a joy! Energy level high for after lunch.
- Kordell is a dynamic speaker and very entertaining. Not
only is he entertaining, the content was valuable, relevant, and pertinent.
Thanks for a good session!
- Outstanding presentation. Great learning experience.
- Learned new tools, great enthusiasm! Great advise.
- Good job Wished we had more time.
- Great energy.
- Is there anything else to say about Kordell? The best!
- Always a high point for me to be in one of your
- Thanks for a great presentation. You gave me some ideas
for adding some new tools to my toolbox and I’ll definitely visit your website
for more info!
- Awesome as usual!
- Not enough time for more discussion. Useful & practical
info from Kordell Too short! Great ideas. Would like to have heard more.
- Great questions and answers. Good content.
- Informative, kept moving, great content.
- Incredibly helpful! Great tips, very useful. Kordell –
- Great information.
AND from another corporation. . . .
Best instructor TCD has had, Ever!
Great team building class and hopefully will result
in stronger understanding of processes which will help us sell TCD.
Very interesting speaker. Used comedy to keep
everyone’s attention. The activities let you move around so you didn’t get
tired. Activities tied in very well with the class.
This just scratched the surface.
The course was very informational and helps (us)
understand client relationships.
Best class in my 6 years at TCD!
This was excellent. I got 3 “ahas” today.
Excellent, enjoyable class. Excellent examples and
class participation.
Excellent speaker! Very easy to
understand material. Uses excellent examples to help understand material.
No changes.